
Search results for Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva

Omeprazol al 20 & Risedronat teva .The serum concentration of Risedronate can be increased when it is combined with Omeprazole. Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva .Tamsulosin may increase the hypotensive activities of Risedronate. Food interactions and other recommendationsPrednison 20 léčiva: Avoid alcohol. Avoid taking with grapefruit juice. ........

Tags: Drug combination Prednison, Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva

Omeprazol al 20 & Risedronat teva .The serum concentration of Risedronate can be increased when it is combined with Omeprazole. Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva .Tamsulosin may increase the hypotensive activities of Risedronate. Food interactions and other recommendationsPrednison 20 léčiva: Avoid alcohol. Avoid taking with grapefruit juice. ........

Tags: Drug combination Prednison, Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva &

Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex . . Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h . . Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo . . Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 100-zentiva . . Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a . . Side effects Detralex a Biomin h . . Side effects Detralex a Orcal neo . . Side effects Detralex a ........

Tags: Side effects Alfacalcidol, Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva &, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva

Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex . . Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h . . Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo . . Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 100-zentiva . . Side effects Detralex a Biomin h . . Side effects Detralex a Orcal neo . . Side effects Detralex a Vitamin e 100-zentiva . . Side effects ........

Tags: Side effects Alfacalcidol, Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Tiapridal & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Letrox & Novalgin tablety & Nolpaza & Gabanox & Ascorutin

Tiapridal & Gabanox .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Gabapentin is combined with Tiapride. Food interactions and other recommendationsLetrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Consistent administration in relation to meals is recommended. No iron or calium carbonate ........

Tags: Drug combination Tiapridal, Tiapridal & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Letrox & Novalgin tablety & Nolpaza & Gabanox & Ascorutin, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Prenessa & Euthyrox & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta

Food interactions and other recommendationsPrenessa: Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of perindopril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng (American), kola and licorice. High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of perindopril. Perindopril may decrease the excretion of ........

Tags: Drug combination Prenessa, Prenessa & Euthyrox & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Caltrate plus & Eliquis & Xados & Neurol 0,5 & Cipralex & Pantoprazol krka

Side effects Caltrate plus a Eliquis . . Side effects Caltrate plus a Xados . . Side effects Caltrate plus a Neurol 0,5 . . Side effects Caltrate plus a Cipralex . . Side effects Caltrate plus a Pantoprazol krka . . Side effects Eliquis a Xados . . Side effects Eliquis a Neurol 0,5 . . Side effects Eliquis a Cipralex . . Side effects Eliquis a ........

Tags: Side effects Caltrate, Caltrate plus & Eliquis & Xados & Neurol 0,5 & Cipralex & Pantoprazol krka, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Venoruton forte & Ciprofloxacin kabi & Docetaxel kabi & Spironolactone orion

Ciprofloxacin kabi & Docetaxel kabi .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Docetaxel is combined with Ciprofloxacin. Ciprofloxacin kabi & Spironolactone orion .Spironolactone may increase the arrhythmogenic activities of Ciprofloxacin. Food interactions and other recommendationsCiprofloxacin kabi: Avoid excessive ........

Tags: Drug combination Venoruton, Venoruton forte & Ciprofloxacin kabi & Docetaxel kabi & Spironolactone orion, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Betaloc zok & Ranisan & Stilnox & Xanax

Betaloc zok & Ranisan .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Ranitidine. Betaloc zok & Stilnox .The metabolism of Zolpidem can be decreased when combined with Metoprolol. Stilnox & Xanax .Alprazolam may increase the central nervous system depressant ( CNS depressant) activities of Zolpidem. Food ........

Tags: Drug combination Betaloc, Betaloc zok & Ranisan & Stilnox & Xanax, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Digoxin 0,250 léčiva & Ortanol & Atazanavir mylan

Digoxin 0,250 léčiva & Atazanavir mylan .The serum concentration of Digoxin can be increased when it is combined with Atazanavir. Ortanol & Atazanavir mylan .Omeprazole can cause a decrease in the absorption of Atazanavir resulting in a reduced serum concentration and potentially a decrease in efficacy. Food interactions and other ........

Tags: Drug combination Digoxin, Digoxin 0,250 léčiva & Ortanol & Atazanavir mylan, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Guajacuran & Prestarium neo & Paroxetin +pharma & Ortanol & Entizol & Doxybene

Ortanol & Entizol .The metabolism of Metronidazole can be decreased when combined with Omeprazole. Ortanol & Doxybene .The metabolism of Omeprazole can be decreased when combined with Doxycycline. Entizol & Doxybene .The metabolism of Metronidazole can be decreased when combined with Doxycycline. Food interactions and other ........

Tags: Drug combination Guajacuran, Guajacuran & Prestarium neo & Paroxetin +pharma & Ortanol & Entizol & Doxybene, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva

Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Plaquenil . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Omeprazol al 20 . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Ascorutin . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Tanyz eras . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Risedronat ........

Tags: Side effects Prednison, Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva &

Alfacalcidol cande & .The serum concentration of Magnesium oxide can be increased when it is combined with Alfacalcidol. Orcal neo & .The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can be increased when it is combined with Amlodipine. Food interactions and other recommendationsOrcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates ........

Tags: Drug combination Alfacalcidol, Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva &, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Warfarin pmcs & Multi-sanostol

Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Multi-sanostol . Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Multi-sanostol .......

Tags: Side effects Warfarin, Warfarin pmcs & Multi-sanostol, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva

Food interactions and other recommendationsOrcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of CYP3A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Grapefruit, in all forms (e. whole fruit, juice and rind), can significantly increase serum levels of amlodipine and may cause toxicity. Avoid grapefruit ........

Tags: Drug combination Alfacalcidol, Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Tiapridal & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Letrox & Novalgin tablety & Nolpaza

Side effects Tiapridal a Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta . . Side effects Tiapridal a Letrox . . Side effects Tiapridal a Novalgin tablety . . Side effects Tiapridal a Nolpaza . . Side effects Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta a Letrox . . Side effects Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta a Novalgin tablety . ........

Tags: Side effects Tiapridal, Tiapridal & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Letrox & Novalgin tablety & Nolpaza, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Tiapridal & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Letrox & Novalgin tablety & Nolpaza & Gabanox

Side effects Tiapridal a Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta . . Side effects Tiapridal a Letrox . . Side effects Tiapridal a Novalgin tablety . . Side effects Tiapridal a Nolpaza . . Side effects Tiapridal a Gabanox . . Side effects Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta a Letrox . . Side effects Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 ........

Tags: Side effects Tiapridal, Tiapridal & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Letrox & Novalgin tablety & Nolpaza & Gabanox, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva

Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex . . Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h . . Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Orcal neo . . Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Vitamin e 100-zentiva . . Side effects Detralex a Biomin h . . Side effects Detralex a Orcal neo . . Side effects Detralex a Vitamin e 100-zentiva . . Side effects ........

Tags: Side effects Alfacalcidol, Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva

Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Plaquenil . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Omeprazol al 20 . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Ascorutin . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Tanyz eras . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Risedronat ........

Tags: Side effects Prednison, Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva

Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Plaquenil . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Omeprazol al 20 . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Ascorutin . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Tanyz eras . . Side effects Prednison 20 léčiva a Risedronat ........

Tags: Side effects Prednison, Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva

Omeprazol al 20 & Risedronat teva .The serum concentration of Risedronate can be increased when it is combined with Omeprazole. Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva .Tamsulosin may increase the hypotensive activities of Risedronate. Food interactions and other recommendationsPrednison 20 léčiva: Avoid alcohol. Avoid taking with grapefruit juice. ........

Tags: Drug combination Prednison, Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva

Food interactions and other recommendationsOrcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates post-translational expression of CYP3A4, the major metabolizing enzyme of amlodipine. Grapefruit, in all forms (e. whole fruit, juice and rind), can significantly increase serum levels of amlodipine and may cause toxicity. Avoid grapefruit ........

Tags: Drug combination Alfacalcidol, Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Stadamet & Apo-panto 40 & Tarka 180/2 mg tbl. & Paramax combi & Pregabalin teva & Tiapridal & Indap

Stadamet & Tarka 180/2 mg tbl. The therapeutic efficacy of Metformin can be decreased when used in combination with Verapamil. Stadamet & Pregabalin teva .The risk or severity of heart failure can be increased when Pregabalin is combined with Metformin. Stadamet & Indap .The therapeutic efficacy of Metformin can be decreased when used in ........

Tags: Drug combination Stadamet, Stadamet & Apo-panto 40 & Tarka 180/2 mg tbl & Paramax combi & Pregabalin teva & Tiapridal & Indap, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Betaloc zok & Ranisan

Betaloc zok & Ranisan .The serum concentration of Metoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Ranitidine. Food interactions and other recommendationsBetaloc zok: Avoid alcohol. Avoid natural licorice. Take with food. Ranisan: Avoid alcohol. Avoid excessive quantities of coffee or tea ( Caffeine). Avoid milk, calcium containing dairy ........

Tags: Drug combination Betaloc, Betaloc zok & Ranisan, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva

Omeprazol al 20 & Risedronat teva .The serum concentration of Risedronate can be increased when it is combined with Omeprazole. Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva .Tamsulosin may increase the hypotensive activities of Risedronate. Food interactions and other recommendationsPrednison 20 léčiva: Avoid alcohol. Avoid taking with grapefruit juice. ........

Tags: Drug combination Prednison, Prednison 20 léčiva & Plaquenil & Omeprazol al 20 & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta & Ascorutin & Tanyz eras & Risedronat teva, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Calcichew d3 & Magnesia carbonica & Valzap combi

Food interactions and other recommendationsCombination of common side effects of all medicines . Food interactions and other recommendationsCombination of common side effects of all medicines .......

Tags: Drug combination Calcichew, Calcichew d3 & Magnesia carbonica & Valzap combi, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva &

Alfacalcidol cande & .The serum concentration of Magnesium oxide can be increased when it is combined with Alfacalcidol. Orcal neo & .The serum concentration of Rosuvastatin can be increased when it is combined with Amlodipine. Food interactions and other recommendationsOrcal neo: Avoid natural licorice. Grapefruit down regulates ........

Tags: Drug combination Alfacalcidol, Alfacalcidol cande & Detralex & Biomin h & Orcal neo & Vitamin e 100-zentiva &, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Prestarium neo & Paroxetin +pharma & Ortanol & Entizol & Doxyhexal tabs

Ortanol & Entizol .The metabolism of Metronidazole can be decreased when combined with Omeprazole. Ortanol & Doxyhexal tabs .The metabolism of Omeprazole can be decreased when combined with Doxycycline. Entizol & Doxyhexal tabs .The metabolism of Metronidazole can be decreased when combined with Doxycycline. Food interactions and other ........

Tags: Drug combination Prestarium, Prestarium neo & Paroxetin +pharma & Ortanol & Entizol & Doxyhexal tabs, Calcium-sandoz

Side effects: Tarka 240/4 mg tbl. & Valzap

Side effects Tarka 240/4 mg tbl. a Valzap . Side effects Tarka 240/4 mg tbl. a Valzap .......

Tags: Side effects Tarka, Tarka 240/4 mg tbl & Valzap, Calcium-sandoz

Drug combination: Ofloxin 200 & Salazopyrin en & Prestance & Lanzul & Thiogamma 600 oral &

Ofloxin 200 & .Ofloxacin may increase the QTc-prolonging activities of Quinidine. Salazopyrin en & Prestance .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Perindopril is combined with Sulfasalazine. Salazopyrin en & .The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ketorolac is combined with Sulfasalazine. ........

Tags: Drug combination Ofloxin, Ofloxin 200 & Salazopyrin en & Prestance & Lanzul & Thiogamma 600 oral &, Calcium-sandoz

Calcium-sandoz forte

Přípravek Calcium-Sandoz .. Přípravek Calcium-Sandoz neužívejte, pokud máte: .. Zvláštní opatrnosti při užití přípravku Calcium-Sandoz je zapotřebí .. Bez doporučení lékaře neužívejte současně s přípravkem Calcium-Sandoz přípravky obsahující vitamin D. Léčivý přípravek Calcium-Sandoz se má užívat nejméně s 3-hodinovým odstupem po užití perorální formy ( užívejte léčivý přípravek Calcium-Sandoz nejméně 2 hodiny po anebo 4 až 6 hodin před užitím tetracyklínů. Užívání přípravku Calcium-Sandoz s jídlem a pitím .. Přípravek Calcium-Sandoz se nemá užívat 2 hodiny po požití jídel s vysokým obsahem kyseliny šťavelové nebo kyseliny fytové. poraďte se před začátkem užívání přípravku Calcium-Sandoz s lékařem. e by požití přípravku Calcium-Sandoz nějak ovlivňovalo schopnost řídit motorová vozidla nebo obsluhovat stroje. Důležité informace o některých složkách přípravku Calcium-Sandoz: .. Přípravek
Tags: Calcium-sandoz forte, Calcium-sandoz

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives

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