leaflet, side effects, interactions, dosing

Generic: lansoprazole
Active substance: lansoprazole
Alternatives: Lansoprazol liconsa, Lansoprazol momaja, Lansoprazol mylan, Lansoprazol teva, Lanxib
ATC group: A02BC03 - lansoprazole
Active substance content: 15MG, 30MG
Forms: Capsule, hard, Gastro-resistant capsule, hard
Balení: Blister
Obsah balení: 14
Způsob podání: prodej na lékařský předpis

Co je Lanzul a k čemu se užívá

Léčivou látkou přípravku Lanzul 30 mg je lansoprazol, což je inhibitor protonové pumpy. Inhibitory
protonové pumpy snižují množství kyseliny, která se tvoří ve Vašem žaludku.

Váš lékař Vám může předepsat přípravek Lanzul 30 mg k léčbě následujících stavů:
- léčba dvanáctníkových a žaludečních vředů
- léčba zánětu jícnu (refluxní ezofagitida)
- předcházení refluxní ezofagitidy
- léčba pálení žáhy a kyselé regurgitace (tj. návrat kyselého žaludečního obsahu zpět do jícnu)
- léčba infekce způsobené bakterií Helicobacter pylori v kombinaci s léčbou antibiotikem
- léčba nebo prevence dvanáctníkových nebo žaludečních vředů u pacientů, kde je nezbytná
dlouhodobá léčba přípravky NSAID (léčba nesteroidními protizánětlivými přípravky – NSAID
se používá proti bolestem a zánětu)
- léčba Zollinger-Ellisonova syndromu

Při užívání přípravku Lanzul dodržujte prosím pokyny Vašeho lékaře.

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Lanzul & Tulip  The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Lansoprazole is combined with Atorvastatin.   Salazopyrin en & Aspirin protect 100  The risk or severit ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

Lanzul & Salazopyrin & Pms-testoster..

  Side effects Lanzul a Salazopyrin en  Abdominal Pain, Dizziness, rash, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,   Side effects Lanzul a Pms-testosterone  Asthenia, Diarrhea, Taste perversion, rash, Heada ..more

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A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives

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