Přípravek Stacyl obsahuje kyselinu acetylsalicylovou, která v nízkých dávkách patří do skupiny léčiv zvaných protidestičkové látky (tlumí shlukování krevních destiček). Krevní destičky (trombocyty) jsou malá krevní tělíska, která způsobují, že se krev sráží a účastní se tak při vzniku trombózy (vzniku krevních sraženin v cévách). Když vznikne krevní sraženina (trombus) v tepně, zastaví průtok krve a přeruší přísun kyslíku. Pokud toto nastane v srdci, může to vyvolat srdeční infarkt (infarkt myokardu) nebo záchvat anginy pectoris; v mozku to může způsobit cévní mozkovou příhodu.
Přípravek Stacyl se užívá ke snížení rizika tvorby krevních sraženin a tím k předcházení dalších: infarktů myokardu cévních mozkových příhod srdečních a cévních problémů u pacientů se stabilní nebo nestabilní anginou pectoris (typ záchvatovité bolesti na hrudi)
Přípravek Stacyl se užívá také k prevenci tvorby krevních sraženin po určitých typech srdečních operací k rozšíření a uvolnění krevních cév.
Tento léčivý přípravek není určen pro použití při akutních stavech. Používá se pouze jako preventivní léčba. 2/7
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Stacyl: Avoid alcohol, alcohol a ..more
Stacyl & Stadamet Acetylsalicylic acid may increase the hypoglycemic activities of Metformin. Stacyl & Ramipril actavis Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive ac ..more
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Stacyl: Avoid alcohol, alcohol a ..more
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Stacyl & The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ket ..more
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Stacyl: Avoid alcohol, alcohol a ..more
Stacyl & Prestarium neo combi Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Perindopril. Stacyl & Helicid 20 zentiva The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic aci ..more
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Stacyl & The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Ket ..more
Stacyl & Stadamet Acetylsalicylic acid may increase the hypoglycemic activities of Metformin. Stacyl & Ramipril actavis Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive ac ..more
Stacyl & Stadamet Acetylsalicylic acid may increase the hypoglycemic activities of Metformin. Stacyl & Ramipril actavis Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive ac ..more
Stacyl & Stadamet Acetylsalicylic acid may increase the hypoglycemic activities of Metformin. Stacyl & Ramipril actavis Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive ac ..more
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Stacyl: Avoid alcohol, alcohol a ..more
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Stacyl: Avoid alcohol, alcohol a ..more
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Stacyl: Avoid alcohol, alcohol a ..more
Stacyl & Prestarium neo combi Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Perindopril. Stacyl & Helicid 20 zentiva The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic aci ..more
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Stacyl: Avoid alcohol, alcohol a ..more
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Stacyl: Avoid alcohol, alcohol a ..more
Stacyl & Prestarium neo combi Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Perindopril. Stacyl & Helicid 20 zentiva The metabolism of Acetylsalicylic aci ..more
Stacyl & Betaloc zok Acetylsalicylic acid may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Metoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Stacyl: Avoid alcohol, alcohol a ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Prestarium neo combi Side effects Stacyl a Sortis Side effects Stacyl a Helicid 20 zentiva Side effects Stacyl a Letrox Side effects Stacyl a Lisk ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Prestarium neo combi Side effects Stacyl a Sortis Side effects Stacyl a Helicid 20 zentiva Side effects Stacyl a Letrox Side effects Stacyl a Lisk ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Sorvasta Side effects Stacyl a Betaloc zok Side effects Stacyl a Dithiaden Side effects Sorvasta a Betaloc zok Side effects Sorvasta a Dithiaden ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Stadamet Side effects Stacyl a Orcal neo Side effects Stacyl a Ramipril actavis Side effects Stacyl a Apo-tamis Side effects Stacyl a Emanera ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Prestarium neo combi Side effects Stacyl a Sortis Side effects Stacyl a Helicid 20 zentiva Side effects Stacyl a Letrox Side effects Stacyl a Lisk ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Sorvasta Side effects Stacyl a Betaloc zok Side effects Stacyl a Dithiaden Side effects Stacyl a Side effects Sorvasta a Betaloc zok Side ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Stadamet Side effects Stacyl a Orcal neo Side effects Stacyl a Ramipril actavis Side effects Stacyl a Apo-tamis Side effects Stacyl a Emanera ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Sorvasta Side effects Stacyl a Betaloc zok Side effects Stacyl a Dithiaden Side effects Stacyl a Magne b6 Side effects Sorvasta a Betaloc zok ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Sorvasta Side effects Stacyl a Betaloc zok Side effects Stacyl a Dithiaden Side effects Stacyl a Magne b6 Side effects Sorvasta a Betaloc zok ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Sorvasta Side effects Stacyl a Betaloc zok Side effects Stacyl a Dithiaden Side effects Stacyl a Magne b6 Side effects Stacyl a Side effec ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Sorvasta Side effects Stacyl a Betaloc zok Side effects Stacyl a Dithiaden Side effects Sorvasta a Betaloc zok Side effects Sorvasta a Dithiaden ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Prestarium neo combi Side effects Stacyl a Sortis Side effects Stacyl a Helicid 20 zentiva Side effects Stacyl a Letrox Side effects Stacyl a Lisk ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Stadamet Side effects Stacyl a Orcal neo Side effects Stacyl a Ramipril actavis Side effects Stacyl a Apo-tamis Side effects Stacyl a Emanera ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Sorvasta Side effects Stacyl a Betaloc zok Side effects Stacyl a Side effects Sorvasta a Betaloc zok Side effects Sorvasta a Side effects ..more
Side effects Stacyl a Sorvasta Side effects Stacyl a Betaloc zok Side effects Stacyl a Dithiaden Side effects Stacyl a Magne b6 Side effects Sorvasta a Betaloc zok ..more
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