Prestariumneoforte je inhibitor angiotenzin-konvertujícího enzymu (ACE). Tyto přípravky rozšiřují cévy, čímž usnadňují Vašemu srdci pumpovat krev cévami.
Prestariumneoforte se používá: - k léčbě vysokého krevního tlaku (hypertenze), - ke snížení rizika srdečních příhod, např. srdečního záchvatu, u pacientů se stabilním onemocněním věnčitých tepen (stav, při němž je omezeno nebo zablokováno zásobování srdce krví), kteří již prodělali srdeční záchvat a/nebo operaci za účelem zlepšení zásobování srdce krví prostřednictvím rozšíření cév, které srdce zásobují.
Paroxetin +pharma & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine. Ortanol & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decr ..more
Prestarium neo forte & Uno The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Perindopril is combined with Diclofenac. Prestarium neo forte & The serum concentration ..more
Prestarium neo forte & The serum concentration of Simvastatin can be increased when it is combined with Perindopril. Paroxetin +pharma & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetamino ..more
Paroxetin +pharma & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine. Ortanol & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decr ..more
Prestarium neo forte & Uno The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Perindopril is combined with Diclofenac. Paroxetin +pharma & Uno The metabolism of Diclo ..more
Paroxetin +pharma & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine. Ortanol & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decr ..more
Prestarium neo forte & Uno The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Perindopril is combined with Diclofenac. Paroxetin +pharma & Uno The metabolism of Diclo ..more
Paroxetin +pharma & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine. Ortanol & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decr ..more
Prestarium neo forte & Uno The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Perindopril is combined with Diclofenac. Paroxetin +pharma & Uno The metabolism of Diclo ..more
Paroxetin +pharma & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine. Ortanol & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decr ..more
Prestarium neo forte & Uno The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Perindopril is combined with Diclofenac. Paroxetin +pharma & Uno The metabolism of Diclo ..more
Prestarium neo forte & Uno The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Perindopril is combined with Diclofenac. Paroxetin +pharma & Uno The metabolism of Diclo ..more
Paroxetin +pharma & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decreased when combined with Paroxetine. Ortanol & Paralen 500 The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be decr ..more
Prestarium neo forte & Uno The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Perindopril is combined with Diclofenac. Paroxetin +pharma & Uno The metabolism of Diclo ..more
Prestarium neo forte - Recently discovered side effects
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