Léčivá látka přípravku Concor je bisoprolol-fumarát. Bisoprolol-fumarát patří mezi skupinu léčivých přípravků označenou jako beta blokátory. Tyto léky působí tak, že ovlivňují odpověď těla na některé nervové podněty, zvláště v srdci. Výsledkem toho je, že bisoprolol-fumarát zpomaluje srdeční frekvenci a tím zvyšuje výkon srdce jako pumpy. Zároveň se snižují požadavky srdce na zásobení krví a kyslíkem. Concor se používá pro léčbu vysokého krevního tlaku a anginy pectoris.
Food interactions and other recommendations Concor 5: Take without regard to meals. Thyrozol 10: Always take at the same moment in regard to meals, food may affect absorption unpredict ..more
Concor 5 & The serum concentration of Bisoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Fusidic Acid. Thyrozol 10 & The serum concentration of Simvastatin can be increased ..more
Concor 5 & Ibalgin 400 Ibuprofen may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Bisoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor 5: Take without regard to meals. ..more
Concor 5 & Ibalgin 400 Ibuprofen may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Bisoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor 5: Take without regard to meals. ..more
Lexaurin 1,5 & Trittico ac 150 The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Bromazepam is combined with Trazodone. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor ..more
Lexaurin 1,5 & Trittico ac 150 The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Bromazepam is combined with Trazodone. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor ..more
Concor 5 & Ibalgin 400 Ibuprofen may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Bisoprolol. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor 5: Take without regard to meals. ..more
Concor 5 & Ibalgin 400 Ibuprofen may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Bisoprolol. Concor 5 & The serum concentration of Bisoprolol can be increased when it is combin ..more
Concor 5 & Klacid 500 The metabolism of Bisoprolol can be decreased when combined with Clarithromycin. Lexaurin 1,5 & Klacid 500 The metabolism of Bromazepam can be decreased wh ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Concor 5: Take without regard to meals. Mirzaten: Take without regard to meals. Avoid alcohol. Combination of common side effects of all ..more
Lexaurin 1,5 & Trittico ac 150 The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Bromazepam is combined with Trazodone. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor ..more
Lexaurin 1,5 & Trittico ac 150 The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Bromazepam is combined with Trazodone. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor ..more
Lexaurin 1,5 & Trittico ac 150 The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Bromazepam is combined with Trazodone. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor ..more
Lexaurin 1,5 & Trittico ac 150 The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Bromazepam is combined with Trazodone. Lexaurin 1,5 & Zenaro The risk or severity of ..more
Lexaurin 1,5 & Trittico ac 75 The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Bromazepam is combined with Trazodone. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Concor 5: Take without regard to meals. Thyrozol 10: Always take at the same moment in regard to meals, food may affect absorption unpredict ..more
Concor 5 & Carzap Bisoprolol may increase the hypotensive activities of Candesartan. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor 5: Take without regard to meals. Combin ..more
Lexaurin 1,5 & Trittico ac 150 The risk or severity of adverse effects can be increased when Bromazepam is combined with Trazodone. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Ibalgin 400 Constipation, C ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Ibalgin 400 Constipation, C ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Trittico ac 150 Back pain, ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Trittico ac 150 Back pain, ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Ibalgin 400 Constipation, C ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Trittico ac 150 Back pain, ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Klacid 500 Abdominal Pain, ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Trittico ac 150 Back pain, ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Trittico ac 150 Back pain, ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Trittico ac 150 Back pain, ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Trittico ac 75 Back pain, C ..more
Side effects Concor 5 a Thyrozol 10 Side effects Concor 5 a Lexaurin 1,5 Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, sleep disorder, Side effects Concor 5 a Trittico ac 150 Back pain, ..more
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