Léčivá látka přípravku Concorcor je bisoprolol-fumarát. Bisoprolol patří mezi skupinu léčivých přípravků označenou jako betablokátory. Tyto léky působí tak, že ovlivňují odpověď těla na některé nervové podněty, zvláště v srdci. Výsledkem toho je, že bisoprolol zpomaluje srdeční frekvenci a tím zvyšuje výkon srdce jako pumpy.
K srdečnímu selhání dochází, když je srdeční sval slabý nebo není schopný pumpovat dostatek krve pro zásobení těla. Concorcor se používá pro léčbu stabilního chronického srdečního selhání. Používá se v kombinaci s dalšími léky vhodnými pro léčbu tohoto stavu (jako jsou ACE inhibitory, diuretika a srdeční glykosidy).
Concor cor & Fokusin Bisoprolol may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to ..more
Concor cor & Fokusin Bisoprolol may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to ..more
Concor cor & Euphyllin cr n 200 Bisoprolol may decrease the bronchodilatory activities of Theophylline. Concor cor & Clarithromycin - teva The metabolism of Bisoprolol can be de ..more
Concor cor & Fokusin Bisoprolol may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to ..more
Concor cor & Euphyllin cr n 200 Bisoprolol may decrease the bronchodilatory activities of Theophylline. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regar ..more
Concor cor & Fokusin Bisoprolol may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Consistent ..more
Concor cor & Fokusin Bisoprolol may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Concor cor & The serum concentration of Bisoprolol can be increased when it i ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Consistent ..more
Concor cor & Euphyllin cr n 200 Bisoprolol may decrease the bronchodilatory activities of Theophylline. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regar ..more
Concor cor & Fokusin Bisoprolol may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to ..more
Concor cor & Euphyllin cr n 200 Bisoprolol may decrease the bronchodilatory activities of Theophylline. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regar ..more
Concor cor & The serum concentration of Bisoprolol can be increased when it is combined with Fusidic Acid. Euthyrox & The serum concentration of Amodiaquine can be increased w ..more
Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to meals. Euthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Consistent ..more
Concor cor & Fokusin Bisoprolol may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to ..more
Concor cor & Fokusin Bisoprolol may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Concor cor & The serum concentration of Bisoprolol can be increased when it i ..more
Concor cor & Fokusin Bisoprolol may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to ..more
Concor cor & Fokusin Bisoprolol may increase the orthostatic hypotensive activities of Tamsulosin. Food interactions and other recommendations Concor cor: Take without regard to ..more
Side effects Concor cor a Euthyrox Side effects Concor cor a Fokusin Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, , Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, fever, Hea ..more
Side effects Concor cor a Euphyllin cr n 200 Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Hypotension, Vomiting, Side effects Concor cor a Clarithromycin - teva Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, asthma, Back pain, ..more
Side effects Concor cor a Euphyllin cr n 200 Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Hypotension, Vomiting, Side effects Concor cor a Clarithromycin - teva Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, asthma, Back pain, ..more
Side effects Concor cor a Euphyllin cr n 200 Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Hypotension, Vomiting, Side effects Concor cor a Clarithromycin - teva Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, asthma, Back pain, ..more
Side effects Concor cor a Euthyrox Side effects Concor cor a Fokusin Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, , Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, fever, Hea ..more
Side effects Concor cor a Euphyllin cr n 200 Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Hypotension, Vomiting, Side effects Concor cor a Clarithromycin - teva Abdominal Pain, Asthenia, asthma, Back pain, ..more
Side effects Concor cor a Euthyrox Side effects Concor cor a Fokusin Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, , Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, fever, Hea ..more
Side effects Concor cor a Euthyrox Side effects Concor cor a Fokusin Abdominal Pain, Arthralgia, Asthenia, Back pain, Chest pain, , Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness, dyspnea, fever, Hea ..more
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